Coronavirus: New Guidelines on house viewing

Posted 07 July 2020

Your wellbeing is our priority. The following guidance is designed to help minimise the risk from Coronavirus when arranging or attending a property viewing. The guidelines can also be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.

Virtual viewings first
People should use virtual viewings before visiting properties in person where possible, in order to minimise public health risks and reduce the amount of physical viewings being conducted.

Appointments only
All viewings will take place by appointment. No open house viewings will take place. Agents will ask applicants to restrict the number of people who accompany them on a viewing so that social distancing can be practised, and only those in their immediate household should be there.

Tenants: Open internal doors
As a tenant if your property is being viewed, you should open all the internal doors prior to the viewing.

Tenants: Vacate property if possible
As most people choose to do, the Government is encouraging current tenants to vacate their property while viewings are taking place in order to minimise their contact with those not in your household.

Wash hands
When viewing a property, all applicants will be asked to wash their hands prior to entry to the property
and to avoid touching surfaces where possible.

Follow social distancing rules
One of our agents will accompany all applicants on a viewing but follow social distancing rules.  

Clean surfaces, dispose of cleaning products safely
Once the viewing has taken place, tenants should ensure surfaces, such as door handles, are cleaned with standard household cleaning products and towels disposed of safely or washed as appropriate.

Download Coronavirus House Viewing Guidelines PDF

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