Hundreds of new homes given green light in Docklands
Posted 19 December 2023

- 565 new homes at Pier Road and Cyprus in the south of Newham have been approved by Newham Strategic Development Committee
- Projects represent 14% of the council homes Newham Council is seeking to build by 2026
- Plans will turn unloved and contaminated brownfield land in Docklands into homes, parks and green space and affordable makerspaces
Last night (18 December), the Newham Strategic Development Committee approved the redevelopment of Pier Road in North Woolwich and Cyprus in Beckton, which will deliver 565 new homes once built by Populo Living, Newham Council’s wholly-owned housing delivery company.
The project at Pier Road (pictured above), which is adjacent to Woolwich foot tunnel, includes 350 new homes alongside 800sqm of affordable makerspace. With 127 affordable homes on the site, it will provide new homes for at least 85 families on Newham’s housing waiting list.
At Ferndale Road, close to Cyprus DLR Station, the Council approved the remediation and redevelopment of an unloved and contaminated patch of brownfield land to provide 215 homes and a new publicly accessible nature park. The completed project (artists impression below) will include 5,500 sqm of green space and 54 genuinely affordable homes for those on Newham’s Waiting List.
The planning success follows on from the previous milestone secured across both sites last October when the Council received £2.4million from the Government’s Brownfield Land Release Fund to remediate 1.34 hectares of contaminated land where the new homes will be delivered.
The approved projects will bring much-needed investment to the south of the borough and will help with the wider regeneration of the Docklands area. The planned new 800 square meters of affordable makerspace at Pier Road will help to provide jobs for the area and support Newham’s creative ecosystem. Newham Council’s investment in the sites will also see wider benefits for the local communities by activating street frontages, providing new public realm and facilities in addition to the much-needed new homes.