Volunteers and Residents take part in the Big Carpenters Estate Clean Up
Posted 14 July 2023

Over 20 participants took part to help give the Carpenters Estate a spruce up.
The 'Big Carpenters Clean Up' event was a collaborative effort between residents and volunteers with the goal of promoting a clean and safe environment. In addition to picking up litter and debris, the event focused on tidying up the green spaces and restoring their aesthetic appeal to encourage biodiversity. The event took place from 1-3pm on Thursday, July 13th and was organised by volunteers from Newham Council and its housing company Populo Living with participation from the local Westbridge Hotel on Stratford High Street.
Populo Living are leading The Carpenters Estate restoration and regeneration program. The regeneration aims to deliver 2,152 new homes with 50% available at affordable rent. Alongside a new state-of-the-art community centre, green spaces and hundreds of job opportunities, the outline masterplan will also refurbish 44 percent of existing homes as part of Council’s plans to make Stratford the borough’s first Green Zone, in response to the Climate Emergency which prioritises sustainable development to create healthy neighbourhoods.
Quote from Ivy Aubynn, Resident:
‘It’s great the see everyone taking part in the transformation on the Estate, the event had such a feel-good factor to it. I’m glad to know our efforts will go towards making the whole neighbourhood a safer place for children to play in and makes it pleasant for people visiting’.
Quote from Lerato Marema, Community Wealth Building Delivery Manager:
‘I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event. The residents were delighted with the initiative, and I am eager to organise a follow-up event to continue building on the momentum and impact of The Carpenters Clean Up.’